Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Murphy's Law Training Cycle?

As you may have noticed, it has been quite a while since I've posted here. That is because the marathon training for the Space Coast Marathon has been a bit of a trainwreck and depressed me a bit making me not want to bother with writing. In fact, I never even wrote about signing up for the Space Coast Marathon which will be held in Florida this coming weekend. With the race coming up, I figured I should provide an update on how things went and what my expectations are for the marathon.

First I suppose I'll touch on the good, which was not a whole lot. As you may recall, I was planning two sort of big changes for this training cycle - use of Daniels' Running Formula to construct the workouts and then the use of a 10-day training cycle as opposed to the more typical 7-day cycle. I was only able to stick with my planned workouts for an initial three week period and then briefly for another two week period. That was probably not enough to really judge it, but I thought for the time I used it the trainings were quite effective. For the initial three week period, I was ramping up and felt like I was building the base just as expected. The improvements continued during the next short period. I found the paces and distances were pushing me but were not so far out of reach as to be a disincentive. Bottom line is I'll probably continue to use the Daniels' Running Formula theories and methods to construct my training plans.